It all started with two sisters: Hannah and Helaine Zhao

They believed in a better world where the people in our community are no longer strangers but friends, where we understand each other despite language and cultural barriers. Growing up with Classical music, Hannah and Helaine perceived the benefits of music due to its social bonding effect and transcendent power. With this in mind, Between You and I (B.U.I) was founded in January 2018. Over the past 6 years, more kindred spirits joined B.U.I and worked towards a common goal: using music as a way to build a better world. Whether it is through charity performances for seniors or neighborhood trash clean-ups, and more, B.U.I continue to make a positive impact in the community. 

Helaine is currently a freshman student at Harvard College while Hannah is a junior student in the Data Science & Violin Performance Dual Degree program at Northwestern University.