Join us

Join us today and start making positive impact on the community. 

Email us if you want to join our team or

Create your own branch following the steps below:

Step 1. Recruit a few friends.

   Recruit 3-10 candidates who have a passionate heart for service and music! 

Step 2. Find a Teacher Advisor.

Find a club advisor. Your ideal candidate is likely to be a school faculty/staff who has strong commitment to working with youth and is well respected among the students. Experience in community service and music (orchestra/band) would be preferable. 

Step 3. Get Approval from Your School. 

Fulfill your high school requirement for starting a club. This is especially important if you want to use  school facilities and funds.

Your school may also require you to organize a Club Constitution, Club Leadership Positions, and a Club Sponsor.

Step 4. Register Your Club.

Email us for final registration. Once completed, you will officially be a part of our organization! Each year, we will hold leadership meetings to organize events for the entire BUI organization. 

Some effective ways to recruit new members: Set up a booth at your school’s club week; Reach out to friends; Post flyers in busy parts of the school.

Step 5. Hold the First Club Meeting. 

When everything is ready to go, select a suitable date for everyone to hold the first club meeting. This meeting will focus on introducing all the BUI events and activities. We will be providing the slide show that you can use to accompany your meeting. The first meeting is, in many ways, the most important of them all. Make sure to introduce each activity and event thoroughly and prepare sign up sheets or interest sheets for the members.

After that is the fun part: participating in the fun events, performances, and more!